
1. 上次去看痘痘,覺得那天婦產科裡面的爸爸,怎麼都一臉廢柴樣….你老婆的表情一看就知道她覺得阿雜,然後你一臉呆、不靈光、只知道傻傻的跟在老婆後面…老婆如果看起來心情不好,躲到一邊去是最糟糕的回應,不要打安全牌,不管你是不是主動的想要孩子,務必心疼、體諒、愛你的老婆。
2. 為什麼不能一人背10個月,男人那麼強壯,後半段給他們背,合情合理啊~
3. 大部分的藥局都有賣壯陽藥,但很少有賣避孕藥的。
4. pro-choice. Abortion should be allowed so long as the mother‘s health is not irreparably harmed or does not want to have the baby. Not just  that “in pregnancies prior to the point of viability–a point at which the fetus cannot live outside the womb.”


abortion is always an option.

it’s not that i don’t want kids; i have to suffer and the other person somehow contributes to my suffer and couldn’t share the burden.

the idea of getting pregnant by having sex also disgusts me. sex is supposed to a pleasure, enjoyable matter and process. but by enjoying, i get… punished? lol ohohohoh-ly crap.

“Sometimes I wish the decision would be taken out of my hand by nature. Like, at some point my doctor telling me, ‘Sorry, premature menopause.'”

  • hum hum men will never have to worry about this whole thing… could this kind of delaying the progress of human technology on pregnancy, childbirth, or simply having offspring through whatever method possible p_q

the conclusion is: i need cats. (咦?XD)

“I think that more and more women get informed about the realities of pregnancy and childbirth before they consider having children,” Wege said. “And that scares them.”

  • well, then, make it not scary at all. unfortunately, you can’t. no one can. all the pains, uneasiness, risks and helplessness are real, and the pregnant person is the only one enduring those.

嗚嗚 我還是 多存點錢 找代理孕母(咦?XD 又一個怪結論)

my mom thinks i am immature to think about these problems. she thinks there are not even problems lol. congrats to her, this is not what she thought why she was young and she made progress and grow throughout the years. she used the progress of her thought to strengthen her argument that: even though you view it as a problem now (when you are young), i have shown you that it’s not going to be a problem eventually.

great. 拍拍手

My鹿 ♥





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